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- About psyBNC -

psyBNC is an easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many features. Some of its features include symmetric ciphering of talk and connections (Blowfish and IDEA), the possibility of linking multiple bouncers to an internal network including a shared partyline, vhost- and relay support to connected bouncers and an extensive online help system. Many other helpful functions are included. It compiles on Linux, FreeBSD, SunOs and Solaris.

DownLoad Sources (Linux/FreeBSD/SunOs/Solaris/Digital Unix/Irix(gcc))
Changes to version 2.3.1

News of version 2.3.1:
- Supports multi-clients
- Supports asynchroneous resolving
- Supports Prefixes
- bugfixes

News of version 2.3:
- Supports SSL-Encryptions for connecting and listening
- More detailed scripting-Tutorial
- bugfixes

News of version 2.2:
- Internal emulated IRCd shared over the linked bouncers (int~-net)
- IPV6 compatible
- A GUI-Menuconfig
- DCC Files & Chats
- Scripting

News of version 2.1:
- Connection and Talk Encryption added
- Online Translation added
- modularized
- Socket handling rewritten
- Proxy support added
- partline of 2.0.x replaced to a partychannel
- full trafficlogging

Also available:
if you want to encrypt your local connection to the bouncer, download: psyPipe for Unix

News of version 2.0.2:
- 4 bugs were fixed command SYSMSG was added ->


- Possibility of linking the bouncer (u can use all vhosts of the linked bouncers (if allowed))
- automatically setting MODE +i-s nick on connect to prevent the filling of the logs with spam

- Crypting of Passwords
- DCC sessions to bots are hold
- Nicks will be saved

- Permanent connections to IRC while you are offline
- Only One Backgroundtask running, even with 100 serving connections
- supports up to 100 Users
- On-Bounce Administration (/ADDUSER, /DELUSER, /ADMIN, /UNADMIN)
- On-Bounce Usersettings (/ADDSERVER, /REMOVESERVER, /JUMP)
- GiveOps: Other users with specific Host can request OP from your bounce
- GiveOps Commands (/ADDOP, /DELOP, /LISTOPS)
- AskOp: The Bounce can automatically ask for Ops when rejoining from hostmasks
- AskOps Commands (/ADDASK, /DELASK, /LISTASK)
- Channels will be saved
- Full Message-Logging, Full Connection Logging
- On Bounce queries (Nicks preceding "$")
- in 1.1 changed to channel specifig bans/ops/askops and included a setaway function
- Bounce Partyline (Query to/from "$$")
- u can switch off/on systemmessages (/SYSMSG)

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