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Archiv-Name: psyBNC-FAQ
Last Modified: 2004/09/23
Posting-Frequency: Weekly(url)/monthly(txt)
KByte Length: 16169
Words: 2632
Lines: 326

| psyBNC-FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for psyBNC |

This FAQ does not attempt to teach you using psyBNC, just to answer
simple questions, give you some hints on getting started, and point
you to sources of information.

§ Please submit bug reports, suggestions for improvement, and other
comments relating to this FAQ only to the maintainer
at infect [at]

| Table of Content|

General Questions:

: I tried to add a User for getting Op from psyBNC with /ADDOP.
Q02: How to use the internal network?
Q03: How to quit psyBNC?
Q04: How to change my CTCP VERSION reply?
Q05: I try to compile psyBNC and get this error: ...
Q06: I added a friend to my bouncer but he can't connect.
Q07: I use psyBNC but i can't DCC CHAT or SEND. What is wrong?
Q08: I connected my bouncer to internal linked Bouncer Net. But it wouldn't connect.
Q09: I have added a BOT DCC to my psyBNC. It worked great. Now it's gone. What should i do?
Q10: My bouncer is active but not on the IRC NETWORK. What should i do?
Q11: Is there a way to get psyBNC to send you dcc files (recieve) directly to you and not to the shell?
Q12: I set psyBNC to ASKOP from a bot, But nothing happens. What is wrong?
Q13: I would like to suggest a Bugfix/Change to psyBNC. Whom should i ask?
Q14: How to install psyBNC?
Q15: How to setup a crontab for psyBNC? (10 minutes interval automatic start/restart if psyBNC isn't running)
Q16: How to use psyBNC with oidentd?
Q17: How to add an IPv6 ip on psyBNC?
Q18: I just installed my psyBNC and connected to it, but i get this message: "Move the file salt.h ..."
Q19: I forgot my password or need a new one.
Q20: My bouncer is connecting to servers that i dont want it to, how can i solve that?
Q21: I am getting a message when i logon to my bouncer from Q bot saying 'you are already authed'
Q22: How to add an IPv6 ip to the server list?
Q23: How to handle psyBNC with ssl links?
Q24: Is it possible set psyBNC to cycle on empty and opless channel?
Q25: How do I set a vhost for a secondary network?
Q26: Is it possible to make a psyBNC that doesnt use crypted password?
Q27: Is there any way to reset all user connections?

: Thanks / Disclaimer

| General |

Q01: I tried to add a User for getting Op from psyBNC with /ADDOP.
He tried /msg bouncer op password, but it did not work ! What is wrong ?

: A question to psyBNC for op has always to include the channel.
So if a user asks for op, he has to do:
/msg bouncer op password #channel
to get op.

Q02: How to use the internal network?
A02: Edit the config.h and insert "#define INTNET" recompile the psyBNC. done.

Q03: How to quit psyBNC?
A03: Type /bquit (~networkprefix) to quit your irc sessions. To kill the psyBNC you have to kill the process id.

Q03: How to change my CTCP VERSION reply?
A03: Edit the config.h and insert "#define CTCPVERSION "my own ctcp reply" recompile the psyBNC, done.

Q04: I try to compile psyBNC and get this error:
This needs the ncurses library. If it is not available, menuconf wont work.
If you are using curses, use make menuconfig-curses instead.
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 1
What should i do?

A04: Install ncurses. Easy going. apt-get install ncurses or ask rpmfind for the package.

Q05: I added a friend to my bouncer but he can't connect. The bouncer says
"WRONG PASSWORD" although i did check the password and it's correct.

: Bouncer login is completed from two parts. One is LOGIN NAME other is PASSWORD.
If you do a /ADDUSER, then the first parameter of ADDUSER isn't the nick, but the ident field.
Both must be correct in order to succesfully LOG-IN ! In mIRC you must set the
IDENT to the name that you are edded in bouncer. But be carefull ! Sometimes in
IRC the ident doesn't work right. So you must also set E-MAIL ADDRESS to that
name !

Q06: I use psyBNC but i can't DCC CHAT or SEND. What is wrong?

: In mIRC you should change the settings under LOCAL INFO -> LOOKUP METHOD to NORMAL.
You should also make sure that you have ON CONNECT ALWAYS GET: Local host & IP checked.

Q07: I connected my psyBNC to internal BounceNet. But then i had to reinstall it. Now it won't
connect again even if i added the /LINKTO correctly.
A07: The link must be added again on BOTH sides. Bouncer uses a verification which was
deleted when you reinstalled bouncer. Just make sure the ADMIN on the other side
adds your bouncer again.

Q08: I have added a BOT DCC to my psyBNC. It worked great. Now it's gone. What sould i do ?
A08: Try to REHASH. Warning ! This will close your connection.

Q09: My bouncer is active but not on the IRC NETWORK. When i do /bconnect it says:
"You are not marked as quit." What to do?
A09: Check the server that you have added. Check that the IRC server in the Serverlist
allows connections from that host. If both is verified then the reason is possibly
this. Your bouncer got disconnected from IRC by some error. Use /BQUIT to mark
it as quitted then use /BCONNECT again

Q10: Is there a way to get psyBNC to send you dcc files (recieve) directly to you and not to the shell?
A10: Yes, /dccenable 0

Q11: I set psyBNC to ASKOP from a bot. I am added on the bot and i checked my password.
But nothing happens. What is wrong ?

A12: Usually eggdrops have a general command used to gain OPs . It's
/MSG BotName OP password. In your case the bot might have different command to
ask OPs from. Bouncer can only ask OPs the normal way.

Q11: I would like to suggest a Bugfix/Change to psyBNC. Whom should i ask ?
A12: Visit and use the contact eMails.

Q13: How to install psyBNC?

: At first download the latest source.
Extract the source with 'tar -xzf psyBNC2.3.1.tar.gz'
Now type 'cd psybnc'.
Edit the 'psybnc.conf' or create it with "menuconfig" but at first you have to compile it
with 'make menuconfig'.

Configuration example:

Listening ports - On which port should the psyBNC listen?
Links - Not needed yet.
Bouncer Name - Name your Bouncer. Something like 'MyBouncer' works fine.
Host Allows - To allow anyone set this to '*'.
Users - Add yourself..
DCC Host - The IP to use for all DCC sessions (if you enabled DCC support). Recommend setting is the same IP which your bnc use.

Setup is complete. Compile your bouncer with "make" in your psyBNC directory. Type './psybnc' to start.

Q14: How to setup a crontab for psyBNC? (10 minutes interval automatic start/restart if psyBNC isn't running)

: Edit the psyBNCchk file, and replace the psyBNCPATH with your psybnc home dir.
Edit the crontab with:
'crontab -e' and insert "0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/foobar/psyBNCchk >/dev/null 2>&1"
Go on with 'chmod 700 psyBNCchk' for the right permissions.
The ">/dev/null 2>&1" part tells crontab not to send you an eMail whenever it restarts psyBNC.

Q15: How to use psyBNC with oidentd?

1. Installation:

You can install oidentd with an rpm or download the source code and compile it by yourself.

a) rpm installation

First change to the desired directory and download the rpm package:

now install the rpm:
rpm -Uhv oidentd-2.0.4-2.i386.rpm

If everything runs configure oidentd and psyBNC.
Now you should stop the old identd daemon: killall -9 identd
Afterwards you should by means of: /etc/init.d/oidentd start start oidentd.
Delete the entries of the old identd daemons if these are still present.

b) source (tar.gz) installation

First you should if not already done, download the newest version of oidentd.
Change for example to your gome home directory and enter:

Now you should extract the package: tar -xzvf oidentd-2.0.5.tar.gz
and change to the extracted directory: cd oidentd-2.0.4
Now its time to configure and make the oidentd:
./configure --prefix=/usr
and as root: make install

If you receive any error after the ./configure --prefix=/usr step, your system may miss some packages.
In most cases you'll need these packages (they are for an i386 system and should work on most linux distributions,
if they dont go to, and search for the packages yourself):

flex ->
bison ->
byacc ->

to install them, type "wget ftp://path/file.rpm" and "rpm -Uhv file.rpm"

oidentd should correct installed now and you should stop the old inetd deamons with: killall -9 identd
In order to examine the correct installation, you should search the file /usr/sbin/oidentd.
If it exists, everything was correct.

2. Configuration of oidentd:

After you successfully installed oidentd, it will be necessary to configure a few things.
If the file /etc/oidentd.conf not be available, create it with an editor like vi or mcedit.
Make sure that the file is created in unix text mode and not in dos text mode, else you'll get an error when trying
to start oidentd later, that says something like "can't read configuration file" or "error in configuration file".
In order to permit each bouncer user to get his own ident, change the /etc/oidentd.conf as follows and make sure that
it can be read by any user. To ensure this, type: chmod 644 /etc/oidentd.conf
In order to permit that each bouncer user gets his own ident, change the /etc/oidentd.conf as follows:

# Configuration for oidentd
# see oidentd.conf(5)
default {
default {
allow spoof
allow spoof_all
allow spoof_privport
allow random
allow random_numeric
allow numeric
allow hide

3. Configuration of psyBNC:

That psyBNC work together with oidentd, you must activate the oidentd support for psyBNC.
This can be realized either by make menuconfig, or however manually, editing the file config.h and insert into a free line:
#define OIDENTD
Afterwards you must recompile psyBNC. All psyBNC passwords would become invalid.
To prevent this use the following method: 1. You need a copy of salt.h - you can provide with: cp salt.h salt.bak

2. You need a copy of its psyBNC.conf - you can provide with: cp psyBNC.conf psyBNC.bak

It applies to provide both copies before the recompilation. If the file salt.h was moved or renamed,
you must copy it back to the psyBNC directory and rename it in salt.h.
Afterwards you could execute 'make'. After make is finished, you must retransfer psyBNC.bak and
rename it in"psybnc.conf". 'cp psybnc.bak psybnc.conf'
Now psyBNC has oidentd support and you lost no passwords.
Now you can start oidentd manually and examine if the idents are correctly indicated:
/usr/sbin/oidentd -m -u nobody -g nogroup

Q16: How to add an IPV6 IP on psyBNC?
A16: type /BVHOST :2001:your:ip

Q17: I just installed my psyBNC and connected to it, but i get this message:
"-- psyBNC- WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place"

: Logon to your shell, type "cd psybnc" and "mkdir backup | mv salt.h ~/psybnc/backup".

Q18: I forgot my password or need a new one.
A19: If your have shell access goto the psybnc dir and replace your password in the psybnc.conf with a plaintext password.

Q20: My bouncer is connecting to servers that i dont want it to, how can i solve that?

: The reason this is happening is because you have added more than one server into your bouncers config.
When your bouncer splits from the irc network you are on it trys to recconect to the server,
if it can't and you have another network in your list it will simple try that one.
To find out what servers you have in your server list type /LISTSERVERS on your bouncer,
to delete them simply type /DELSERVER (server number).

Q21: I am getting a message when i logon to my bouncer from Q bot saying 'you are already authed'

: When you first login to your bnc it takes your auth details and auths the bot so to speak.
From this moment on you are permently authed on your bouncer and there is no need to auth everytime you connect.
The reason you get the message is due to your Qnet auth still being in your irc clients perform list.
To get rid of the message simple remove it from your perform list . (please ensure you keep your auth details safe)

Q22: How to add an IPV6 ip to the server list?
A22: Type /ADDSERVER "2001:server:ip":6667

Q23: How to handle psyBNC with SSL Links?
A23: Type on SSL Host /linkfrom remote<non-ssl-port>
and type on SSL Client /linkto server<ssl-port>

Q24: Is it possible set psyBNC to cycle on empty and opless channel?
A24: No.

Q25: How do I set a vhost for a secondary network?
A25: Type /BVHOST

: Is it possible to make a psyBNC that doesnt use crypted password?
A26: Yes, use the source, luke.

: Is there any way to reset all user connections?
A27: Yes, type /BREHASH


Corrections and Updates

We welcome bug reports, updates, reports about broken links,
comments and outright disagreements. Please send your comments
to inFECT and/or psychoid.
Please make sure that you are referring to the most recent version
of the FAQ (maintained at;
someone else might have caught the problem before you.
Please understand that we maintain the FAQ on a purely
voluntary basis, and that we may fall behind on making updates
when other responsibilities intrude. You can help us out by making
an attempt to identify replacement links when reporting a broken one,
and by suggesting appropriate rewording when you have found an error in
the text. Suggestions for new questions and answers are welcomed,
particularly if you are willing to contribute the text yourself. ;-)

Special thanks to:

<psychoid> web:
<Chaot> web:
<iceblox> web: unknown
<denniz> web: unknown
<Tha-Mob> web: unknown
<MasterJM> web: unknown
<no_mad> web: unknown
<MrFloppy> web:

There is given absolutely NO WARRANTY of functionality. I am not responsible
if anything gets screwed. Read the GNU-Public license which is included.

hope it helps,